There’s one critical concern when it comes to making your solar energy system fool-proof and ecostays competetive and that one concern is inclusive of birds. Bird proofing solar panels in the Inland Empire is not an extra service for the residents but a growing need due to the extent of bird disturbance that can be experience on the solar panels.
The Hidden Dangers Pose by Birds to Solar Panels

As nice as they may appear to be, the pressence of birds around solar panel is somthing that needs to be eliminate. Birds usually in most cases build a nest beneath the solar panels where it is warm, safe, private, and hidden from view. Unfortunately this can lead to some serious issues. Bird nesting under solar panels can cause issues as bird poop and nesting materials can incise sunlight and grate the productivity of solar panels. Other birds can even break wires or some other part ahich can be costly and creating the risk of fire.
Why Bird Proofing Matters in Inland Empire
There are also many birds living in and around the houses or garden of Inland Empire region. Pigeons, sparrow and other birds have a tendency to occupy and build their nest on solar panels as they offer protection and a good place to make their nests. Eventually such nest can cause a lot of harm . Bird droppings are not only ugly looking but full of acid, and this causes a destruction of the upper coat of your solar panels that may reduce its efficiency. Over the years, these panels are likely to be generating less elecricity than they normally would, increasing your expenses.
Securing you Asset with Bird Proofing

Bird proofing is a simple yet very effective method in stopping the arising problem to your panels. This would include placing a bird prrofing mesh around the solar panels to prevent nesting and other such bird acitivities that may cause destruction. Such system are made to be waterproof and bird proof to maximize the capacity of your solar panels. It is a little cost that you incure but can go a long way in preventing maintenance and reparis to the solar panels on your roofs at later date.
Long-Term Value of Bird Proofing
Bird proofing helps avoid more of the distractive damages in your property. Solar panles that are clean era and out, and that are free of bird droppings will perform effectively, and these will be attrcative even in future when real estate is concern. Lastly, the bird proofing measure do assist in the durability of the solar panels enabling them to produce clean energy for years.
Birds are on of the many things that will gear towards harming the effectiveness and lifespan of your solar panels. Bird proofing is one of the maintenance techniques every panel owners should have to ensure that more energy is harvested form the panels than it would be otherwise.
For more information on how to bird proof your solar panels and protect your home, Contact us today! We deliver bird proofing as a new part of our offered services to maintain the expected appearance and performance of your panels.
With Americano Services, you can protect your assets and ensur that your solar panels are always at their best shape. Reach out to us now to get additional information regarding our bird roofing services and how we would assist you in having a home devoid of any birds.